Friday, June 14, 2013

Little Sammy Brownsack

Little Sammy Brownsack, watching re-runs of Bonanzas,
Had a dream he became the governor of Kansas.
Went to a tea party, came away with the election,
Then he took the state in to a new direction.

"I'll do away with the arts, Medicaid, and science!
I'll promote low wage, creationism, and violence!"
And soon he'd won the love of like-minded people,
Who also thought the capitol should be topped with a steeple.

Four years later, with the budget in the red,
He hatched a plan to save the day inside his giant head.
He'd hack and slash at income tax to make the people smile,
And ignore the deficit he was creating all the while.

The people lost faith in him, approval ratings fell,
But he told anyone who disagreed that they could go to hell.
He'd turned the state of Kansas in to a laughing stock,
And then, before he knew it, he was on the chopping block.

Then Little Sammy Brownsack awoke with a start!
"It was all just a dream," he thought, trying to still his heart.
"What a horrible governor I'd make, I'd truly be unfit!"
But he spoke with fingers-crossed, because…
Little Sammy Brownsack was a little sack of shit.

© Z. Newton 2013

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