Friday, June 14, 2013

Go'fur It!

The pleasing aroma overloaded their senses. Soon, the Go'furs were scrambling, rambling, tussling, scheming.

"How do we get to that sweet, sweet smell?" asked the first Go'fur.

"We'll just chop down the Smello's stalk!" exclaimed another.

"No! We mustn't harm the Smello, for it gives it's sweet, sweet aroma to the world and asks for nothing in return," said the third.

They tried leaping, bounding, stretching, and kvetching, but to no avail. Finally, the first Go'fur came up with a plan: "You, sit here on my shoulders, and he can sit on your shoulders, and then we'll be able to reach the top of the Smello!"

It was so crazy, it just might work, they probably thought (I can't read Go'fur minds). Soon, they'd arranged themselves into a Go'fur tower, weebling, wobbling, teetering, and tottering.

"Closer...closer...almost there..." commanded the top Go'fur, reaching for the source of the Smello's sweet smell.

"Get your foot out of my eye, you monster!" exclaimed the bottom Go'fur.

"Weeeeeeeeeee!" shouted the middle, carefree Go'fur.

The tower of Go'furs began to wobble and teeter uncontrollably (much like the column of Meeces who tried the same feat nearly two days before).

"Ha-ha-haaa! S-s-stop tickling me!" cried the bottom Go'fur.

"WE'RE GOIN' DOWN!" warned the top Go'fur.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" they screamed in unison.

Thud. Thud.

And the sweet Smello gave a wink and a nod to the blade of grass who tickled the toes of the Go'fur on the bottom of the Go'fur tower.


(Don't steal my story, dammit.)
"Go'fur It!" © Z.Newton 2013

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